

November 9, 2009, 11:10 am - March 12, 2025, 5:34 pm


Conference Banquet
November 9

Keynote Banquet Speaker
Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad

Award Recipient
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish


November 10
Keynote Conference Speaker
Under Secretary for Political Affairs William J. Burns

Assessing the Iranian Nuclear Challenge
Toward an Enhanced Gulf Security Framework
Iraq in 2020
Arab-Israeli Peace and the Domestic Politcal Obstacles


Sami Alfaraj, President, Kuwait Centre for Strategic Studies
Ali Allawi, Former Minister of Defense, Interim Iraqi Governing Council
Deborah Amos, NPR News; Member, Council on Foreign Relations
Hans Blix, Former IAEA Director General and Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission
Michael Corbin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff (ret.) Former Commander NAVCENT
James Dobbins, Director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center, RAND Corporation
Robert J. Einhorn, Special Advisor for Nonproliferation And Arms Control, State Department
Rend al-Rahim Francke, Iraq Foundation
Emile Hokayem, Political Editor, The National
Robert Hunter, Senior Advisor, RAND Corporation
Murhaf Jouejati, Adjunct Scholar, Middle East Institute, Professor, National Defense University
Daniel Kurtzer, Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt
Ellen Laipson, President and CEO, the Henry L. Stimson Center
Daniel Levy, Senior Fellow, New America Foundation
Karim Sadjadpour, Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Khalil Shikaki, Director, Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research
Toni Verstandig, Director of Middle East Programs at the Aspen Institute
James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA
Robin Wright, Senior Fellow, United States Institute of Peace