Amita Singh is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance at Jawaharlal Nehru University. She joined this Centre in 2001. She was previously teaching Urban and Environmental Governance’ in the Department of Political Science at the University of Delhi and Public Administration at Kamala Nehru College ( University of Delhi).While Political Theory and Public Administration is her specialized field, she has further advanced her research into environmental policy and administrative reforms specifically into an ecological approach to reforms. This attempts to study an integrated implementation of land, forests, communities and water management programmes within administrative reforms. She is presently involved into a study of administrative innovations and best practices including e-governance measures required to accelerate pro-poor governance. She is a First Class and First Position holder in MA Political Science from Agra University in 1976 and completed her PhD in 1983 on “The Political Philosophy of Bertrand Russell”. She started her teaching career from the idealistic Gandhian Institution ‘Vanasthali Vidyapeeth University’ Rajasthan in 1978. She is a non-compromising animal and environmental activist heading the People’s Alliance for Animal Rights and Ecological Ethics, a registered NGO to link all dispersed struggles of campaigners for animal rights and planetary justice.
Contact Information
Email: amita.singh3@gmail.com
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