David Martin Jones is Honorary Reader in the School of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Queensland and Visiting Professor in War Studies at King’s College, University of London. He has held a visiting Professorship in the Southeast Asian Studies Department at the University of Malaya and a university fellowship at the University of Wales. His works include with Daniel A Bell, David Brown and Kanishka Jayasuriya Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia (1995), Political Development in Pacific Asia (1997) Conscience and Allegiance in Seventeenth Century English Political Thought (1999),The Image of China in Western Social and Political Thought (2001) and ASEAN and East Asian International Order (2007) and with N.Khoo and M.L.R. Smith The Rise of China and Asia Pacific Security (Edward Elgar 2013). His essays on aspects of regional political development and integration, as well as on ideology and political violence have appeared, inter alia, in International Affairs, Comparative Politics, Pacific Review, Orbis, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence, International Security, The National Interest, The World Today and The American Interest. Jones also contributes opinion pieces for The Australian, The Spectator, Quadrant and The Australian Financial Review.
Contact Information
Email: davidmartinjones@gmail.com
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