Deden Rukmana is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Urban Studies and Planning Program at Savannah State University, USA. He is currently a co-chair of the Global Planning Educators Interest Group of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. He received a PhD degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Florida State University and completed master’s degrees from the University of Southern California as well as Bandung Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Savannah State University, he worked as a planning analyst with the Florida Department of Community Affairs. He also has eight years of experience as urban planner in Indonesia. He has authored a book (Residential Origins of the Homeless), a number of journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, and dozens of Op-ed pieces in various publications, newspapers and magazines in the US, Indonesia, Singapore and the UK. His current research centers on health disparities, homelessness and poverty in the US, and spatial planning, housing and development challenges in Indonesia. His works had been cited by many media including AFP, Straits Times, Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globes, and Public Radio International. He had presented a number of invited lectures and keynote speeches in several universities including Harvard University, University of British Columbia, Georgia Institute of Technology and Surabaya Institute of Technology. His blog Indonesia's Urban Studies is one of the world's best city blogs by the Guardian Cities.

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