Dr. Edris Alam has been active in disaster research since 2000 while conducting his MSc thesis entitled ‘post tropical cyclone disaster management’ in the Department of Geography and Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the Chittagong University (CU), Bangladesh. Dr Alam succeeded securing research funding from Governmental Organisations (GOs), NGOs, INGOs and universities in Bangladesh, Australia and United Kingdom. To enhance his capacity to contribute to disaster risk reduction, he studied a specialized Masters Degree (2006-2007) in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development at the Northumbria University, UK. Dr. Alam has a strong record of high quality research outputs by publishing in the science of natural hazards, risk, vulnerability and disaster management. Since 2002, he has published seven papers in major international journals, including Disasters, Earth-Science Reviews, Natural Hazards, Geographical Journal and International Journal of Climatology; five refereed conference papers; and an additional eight refereed publications in domestic and regional journals on natural hazards and disaster risk reduction. He has presented at conferences held in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. In November 2014, Dr Alam received his PhD in Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangladesh from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. His research interests include natural hazards — natural hazards, climate change adaptation and disaster vulnerability and resilience in Bangladesh. Dr Alam is keen widening his collaborative research partnerships with institutions and universities in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.
Contact Information
Email: edrisalam@yahoo.com
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