Lisel Hintz is Assistant Professor of International Relations Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from George Washington University, and was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University's Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. Her research investigates how contestation over various forms of identity (e.g. ethnic, religious, gender, regional) spills over from domestic politics to shape, and be shaped by, foreign policy. Dr. Hintz focuses on Turkey and the Middle East, a neighborhood in which the domestic and the international are often inseparable. Her book manuscript, forthcoming with Oxford University Press, draws on 18 months of fieldwork across Turkey. She has published in the European Journal of International Relations, Project on Middle East Political Science Series, and Turkish Policy Quarterly, and in op-eds for Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe. She has contributed to multiple panels on developments on the refugee crisis, the rise of ISIS, and the Kurdish issue.
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