Mahmoud Jaraba is a researcher at Erlangen Center for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE), at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He earned his PhD from that same university with a dissertation that studies the ideological transformations of the Turkish Justice and Development Party and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in comparative perspective. Jaraba is also the author of the monograph Hamas, Tentative March toward Peace (Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 2010) and numerous other publications that have appeared in scholarly journals and popular media, including Foreign Policy, Sada and Common Ground News Service (CGNews). He has conducted extensive research in Palestine and has worked in a number of Palestinian NGOs, among them the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research; Muwatin: The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy; AMAN: The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity; and Al-Buraq Center for Studies and Research. He also holds an MA in International Studies and a BA in Political Science from Birzeit University, Palestine.
Contact Information
Email: mahmoud_jaraba@yahoo.com
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