Zeinab Abul-Magd is Associate Professor of Middle Eastern History at Oberlin College. Dr. Abul-Magd is the author of Imagined Empires: A History of Revolt in Egypt (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013) and Militarizing the Nation: Army, Business, and Revolution in Egypt, 1952-2015 (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2016). She published a series of short studies on the Egyptian military and its economic enterprises, including “The Egyptian Republic of Retired Generals” at Foreign Policy, "The Generals' Secret: Egypt's Ambivalent Market" on Sada of Carnegie Endowment, and "The Army and the Economy in Egypt" on Jadaliyya. She writes occasional columns for Egyptian newspapers, including al-Masry al-Youm/Egypt Independent, al-Tahrir, and al-Badil.
Contact Information
Email: zabulmag@oberlin.edu
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