Visitor Information
The Oman Library is OPEN to visitors by appointment! Please call or email the librarian to set up a time to visit, research, or browse the book sale (a number of sale items are available online). Also keep an eye out for new acquisitions to the catalog and the publication of resource guides, featuring print and online resources. Please contact the librarian for more information.
Address: 1763 N Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
Contact info: library@mei.edu, 202-785-1141 ext.229 or 222

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About the Library
The Oman Library seeks to support MEI's Mission to "increase knowledge of the Middle East among citizens of the United States and to promote better understanding between the people of these two areas," by facilitating research and information sharing on all aspects of the broader Middle East region.
The Library houses over 20,000 books and periodicals devoted to the Middle East. Readers will find materials in English as well as regional languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish and Persian. Represented topics include culture, history, languages, literature, and politics of the Middle East, Islamic lands, and relevant regions. Those who would like to see what the Oman Library can offer digitally, may view the Resource Guides and the Online Catalog.
The library has a rich collection thanks to the generosity of its donors; click here to make a monetary donation or contact the librarian about donating books.

Oman Library Digital Rare Books Collection
The Oman Library’s Digital Rare Books Collection is a web-based collection of the library’s rare books and manuscripts, consisting entirely of subjects related to Middle Eastern Studies. The project utilizes a high-resolution scanner and aims to make hundreds of items available to scholars and researchers anywhere in the world.
The collection, now searchable as well as browsable, contains works spanning seven different languages -- English, Arabic, French, Farsi, Urdu, Ottoman Turkish, and Turkish -- published between 1700 and 1921.