Welcome to the home page for all resource guides published by the Oman Library at MEI! Many of the resources listed are openly available online, however Oman Library materials are highlighted, and other relevant resources with access limitations are noted as appropriate.

These guides are intended to help researchers of all levels to identify and locate relevant information resources on a variety of topics. For those who are just beginning their research, these resource guides are intended to provide a starting point that gives an overview of useful and important resources. For experienced scholars, these guides may serve as a kind of checklist to verify that all relevant resources have been consulted.

The resource guides are updated regularly. They are works in progress, and the work is only just beginning! If you have a question about library resources, or if you are looking for further information beyond what is offered here, please contact the librarian! Reference questions are always welcome.

Anyone may search the Oman Library's online catalog, here.

  • Arts & Culture
  • Collection Spotlights
  • Government Publications
  • Language Acquisition
  • MEI Programs & Projects

Contact Us

If you are looking for items or have a reference question, please contact us at library@mei.edu, or call 202-785-1141 ext.229.

This research guide is maintained by the Oman Library at the Middle East Institute.