MEI Podcast 37 The Middle East Institute, the Foundation for Middle East Peace, and Churches for Middle East Peace Present "Fortress Israel" A book presentation by author Patrick Tylerwith introduction and commentary by Terence Smith Wednesday, October 244:00-5:30pmCarnegie Endowment for International PeaceRoot Room, 2nd Floor1779 Massachusetts Ave., NWWashington, DC 20036 Fortress Israel is a historical analysis of Israel's military leadership and the country's national security establishment. In Patrick Tyler's new book, he reveals how the militarism that helped a young state survive has also shaped Israel's contemporary political dynamic and strategic decision making. The author describes Israel's predominant zero-sum mindset that endangers its ability to forge peace with its Arab and Palestinian neighbors and will continue to have lasting effects throughout the Middle East. Tyler will discuss Fortress Israel, the interconnected nature of Israel's military and political elite, and what is at stake for Israel and the region. Bios: Patrick Tyler has also authored several other books including A Great Wall: Six Presidents and China, and A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East from the Cold War to the War on Terror. He formerly served as chief correspondent for the New York Times. Terence Smith was the New York Times' correspondent in Israel during both the 1967 and 1973 wars.