(Washington, D.C.) - After six years as President and CEO, and five years as VP of Policy, Dr. Paul Salem will relocate to the Middle East to assume a new international role for MEI. Salem thanked the board, scholars, and staff of MEI for their trust and support over these past years. "It has been an honor to lead this organization, and I think we can all be proud of the premier institution that we have built together."
MEI’s Board Chairman, Gen. (ret.) John Abizaid thanked Dr. Salem "for his leadership in making MEI the number one think tank on the Middle East. We would not be where we are today without Paul’s leadership and policy expertise, and having Paul in the region to work with our partners and provide on-the-ground support for MEI initiatives gives us a great advantage to realize a pathway of peace between the United States and the people of the region."
An international search for a new President and CEO is underway, managed by Odgers and Berndtson.