Amin Awad’s distinguished service with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spans more than 25 years, including service in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, the former Soviet Union, the former Yugoslavia and UNHCR’s Headquarters. His UN career assumed managerial functions and serving in countries at the peak of crises, such as in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Yemen, Tajikistan, Macedonia, Northern Iraq, the Jordanian-Iraqi border and the Kenya-Somalia Cross Border operation and the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine, among other field assignments. During his four-year tenure in Macedonia, Awad went on to become the coordinator of the Iraq subregion operations for the Bureau for Central Asia, Southwest Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, based at UNHCR headquarters. In August 2009, Awad returned to UNHCR Headquarters as the director of the newly-created Division of Emergency, Security and Supply. Starting from 2013, Awad became the director of the Middle East and North Africa Bureau at UNHCR headquarters and the regional refugee coordinator for Syria and Iraq.

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