Miranti Kartika Dewi is a Lecturer and Researcher in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia where she has taught Islamic Accounting, Cost Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Business Communication. In addition, she has served as a Formation Team Member for the Establishment of the Bachelor in Islamic Economics and Business Program. Previously, she was a Lecturer at Paramadina University and, before that, a Tutor and Researcher in the MBA and Accounting programs at the International Islamic University of Malaysia. She has written widely on Indonesian Islamic capital markets, the efficiency of Indonesian Islamic banks, the effectiveness of Waqf funds, the performance of Islamic mutual funds, and other topics related to Islamic finance.
Web Page: http://staff.ui.ac.id/profil/detail_dosen.php?id=060603200
Contact Information
Email: miranti_k_dewi@yahoo.com
Phone: 00-62-21-727-24
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