Niranjan Shankar is a non-resident scholar with MEI's Strategic Technologies and Cybersecurity Program focusing on great power rivalry, technology and cybersecurity policy, and US policy in the Greater Middle East. He also works as a software engineer, and develops extensions to help provide zero-trust security and networking resiliency to applications hosted on cloud-based, distributed platforms.
Niranjan’s work at MEI focuses on the global cybersecurity landscape and critical and emerging technologies. He covers how cybersecurity and emerging technologies will shape global geopolitics, and vice versa, and how tech and cyber partnerships in the Greater Middle East will impact developments in other crucial theaters and great power competition more broadly.
Niranjan’s other articles and analyses have been published by the Hoover Institution, the National Interest, RealClearMarkets, the Washington Examiner, Quillette, and several other outlets. Follow him on Twitter @NiranjanShan13.
Issues of Expertise
Technology and Cybersecurity Policy, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Zero Trust Architectures, Critical and Emerging Technologies, Great Power Competition, Geopolitics, US Middle East Policy
Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Computer Science from Princeton University, Certificate (Minor) in Statistics and Machine Learning.