Victor V. Motti, hailing from the Middle East and resident in Washington, DC, is a distinguished self-taught Foresight Scholar and Leading Executive in Federal Training Solutions at DMS Foresight Academy. His expertise spans a wide spectrum of futures studies, strategic foresight, and scenario planning.

In 2019, Victor authored the book "Alternative Planetary Futures," now available on Kindle edition via Amazon. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), a globally influential organization established in 1973 with over 300 institutional and individual members spanning 60+ countries. Additionally, Victor holds the role of Managing Editor at the European Journal of Futures Research (EJFR), published by Springer.

Victor has been granted USA National Interest Waiver (NIW) in Strategic Foresight. His expertise is sought after internationally, with invitations to speak at prestigious business events and academic conferences across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. These engagements explore key driving forces of change and major transformations, projecting horizons from 2030 to as far-reaching as 3000.

His notable engagements include presentations at the Classic Planning Institute (USA), Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Center for Futuristic Studies (Saudi Arabia), Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) in Morocco, Paris Institute for Advanced Study (France), University of Trento, (Italy), and Tamkang University (Taiwan).

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