Vincent Carchidi is a Non-Resident Scholar at MEI’s Strategic Technologies and Cyber Security Program and an Analyst at RAIN Defense+AI. His work covers topics in technology, defense, and international affairs with a particular interest in artificial intelligence (AI). He draws from an interdisciplinary background in political psychology.
Vincent is currently based in Philadelphia, where his work focuses on the development of RAIN’s global knowledge platform for defense and AI, RAINCLOUD. Prior to joining RAIN, Vincent interned for the editorial team at the National Interest. He frequently writes on the relationship between the technical underpinnings of AI and technology policy and geopolitics.
Master of Arts in Political Science (MA), Villanova University; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy (BA), Rosemont College
Issues of Expertise
AI, Technology Policy, Emerging Technologies, Geopolitics, Great Power Competition
Recent External Publications:
- “Don’t Neglect ‘Small-Data’ AI,” Defense One, February 13, 2023.
- “Do Large Language Models Have Minds Like Ours?,” Towards AI, March 31, 2023.
Contact Information
Please contact or call 202-785-1141 ext. 241 for assistance contacting this expert.
Twitter Handle: @j_carchidi