Zeina Moneer holds a PhD in environmental politics from Freiburg University in Germany. In 2014, she was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Social Ecology of Alpen Adria University in Vienna. In 2018, she was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Nordic Africa Institute in Sweden. In 2021, she was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Department of Political Science of New Hampshire University in the USA. She worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Research Institute for a Sustainable Environment of the American University in Cairo. Currently, she is affiliated with Suez Canal University in Egypt.
Her research interests include environmental movements, environmental justice, environmental communication, international polices of climate change negotiations and adaption, and sustainability transition with a particular focus on the MENA region.
In addition to her academic accomplishments, she collaborates with regional and international think tanks such as the Arab Reform Initiative and the European Institute for the Mediterranean. In addition, she worked as a Sustainability Advisor for a number of EU-funded projects in the MENA region and since 2015 she has been working as freelance journalist writing for a number of Arabic newspapers and English blogs.
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