Dear Friend of MEI,

We are writing to you because we know you share our belief that a strong democracy is built on a well-informed electorate. With the momentous events unfolding in the Middle East, it is more important than ever that the American people have access to accurate and impartial information.

For over 67 years, The Middle East Institute has been guided by the principles of non-partisan, expert analysis that respects and encourages the free exchange of ideas among all parties of the Middle East.

MEI has listened to the concerns of our supporters who seek insights beyond a narrow Washington-based dialogue. As a result, in 2013, we reached out to more analysts and activists in countries like Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen than ever before. MEI published their commentary and invited them to speak at our programs. MEI hopes to do much more in the coming year, but we need your support.

Your tax deductible contribution to The Middle East Institute would enable us to sponsor more exchanges like the Securing Egypt's Future conference held last September, which brought together the most diverse group of Egyptians ever in Washington, D.C. Egyptian liberals, activists and Islamists all praised the opportunity to challenge each other in a spirited exchange that “could not have happened in Cairo.” Contributions from generous donors like you would enable MEI to sponsor follow-up meetings in 2014.

In another example, your contribution to MEI could help us sponsor events that bring Israeli and Palestinian leaders together in support of a negotiated settlement. MEI recently invited to Washington Palestinian businessman Munib Masri and Israeli entrepreneur Yossi Vardi, co-founders of Breaking the Impasse, a joint peace initiative of regional business and civic leaders. Together, they advocated for peace.

Though the region is facing difficulties, MEI believes that the Middle East holds great promise. In 2014 The Middle East Institute will direct its research, expert analysis, and programs to the search for solutions that will remove obstacles to social and economic problems in the region.

We would like you to join us. We ask that you make a tax deductible donation. Just click here and select the amount that is right for you. Or send a check payable to The Middle East Institute, 1761 N Street, NW, Washington DC, 20036. Thank you,

Wendy J. Chamberlin

Richard A. Clarke

The Middle East Institute (MEI) is an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit, educational organization. It does not engage in advocacy and its scholars’ opinions are their own. MEI welcomes financial donations, but retains sole editorial control over its work and its publications reflect only the authors’ views. For a listing of MEI donors, please click here.