Trevor Service served for 28 years as a police officer in Northern Ireland (in both pre- and post- ceasefire/terrorist campaign periods) with the Royal Ulster Constabulary GC and following the Good Friday Peace Agreement and subsequent police reform program, with the new Police Service of Northern Ireland. He has worked in Kosovo and Somaliland in Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and the role of military and civil police reform in trust and confidence building in fragile environments in moving from conduct of hostilities to civilian law enforcement. 

Trevor has operational, strategic and training experience in Community Policing, Community Outreach and Conflict Transformation. Since 2010 he has worked internationally advising upon, designing and delivering, community engagement, outreach and policing programs, International Standards in Pre-Trial Detention and Human Rights, in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Balkans, MENA (Qatar, Jordan and Lebanon), Sub-Saharan and East Africa. He has written doctrine and strategies for and had articles published on, developing community policing and outreach in conflict/post-conflict environments. He has worked with the police and military in Somaliland on community engagement and conflict transformation and recently written three training curricula for the Malawi Police Service (MPS) for Community Police, Investigators and Police Prosecutors in cooperation with the University of Malawi.

Trevor has a BSc (Hons) in Crime and Criminology and a Post Graduate Certificate in International Policing.

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