The Middle East Institute,
The Foundation for Middle East Peace,
Americans for Peace Now,
Churches for Middle East Peace,
and J-Street Present:
Reorienting Strategy for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
A talk by
Professor Menachem Klein
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Monday, February 11, 12:00-1:30 PM
Carnegie Conference Center, Choate Room
1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Declaration of Principles, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is unresolved, notwithstanding broad international consensus over the shape of a final status agreement and the recent UN General Assembly recognition of the state of Palestine. As pro-settlement, anti-two state politics become more deeply entrenched in Israel, is the international peace paradigm still relevant? Menachem Klein argues that, in any case, old approaches to peace must be reoriented in light of new realities on the ground and the current stalemate that threatens renewed armed conflict and Israeli apartheid. He will discuss how Israelis and Palestinians, following the results of the recent Israeli elections, are considering new paths for resolving the conflict and what the international community should do.
Professor Menachem Klein of Bar Ilan University writes extensively on the conflict. His most recent book is The Shift: Border Struggle to Ethnic Conflict (Columbia University Press, 2010). In 2000, he served as an adviser to the Israeli delegation to the Oslo peace negotiations.