Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid is Professor of Political Science, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He was visiting senior fellow at the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore, from 1 September 2015 to 31 May 2016. He obtained his BA and MA from the University of Oxford and the University of Leeds respectively, and earned his PhD in Politics from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, in 1998. He teaches undergraduate courses at USM in political science and manages as well a postgraduate course, "Islam in Southeast Asia," for the M.A. in Asian Studies at the School of Social Sciences. He has held visiting research fellowships in Singapore and Australia, participated in international research projects and published in leading international journals. His recent book chapters are “Malay Racialism and the Sufi Alternative” in Melayu: The Politics, Poetics and Paradoxes of Malayness (Maznah Mohamad and Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied, eds.; National University of Singapore Press, 2011), “Religion, Secularism and the State in Southeast Asia” in Thinking International Relations Differently (Arlene B. Tickner and David L. Blaney, eds.; Routledge, 2012) and “The Aurad Muhammadiah Congregation: Modern Transnational Sufism in Southeast Asia” in Encountering Islam: The Politics of Religious Identities in Southeast Asia (Hui Yew-Foong, ed.; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2013). He also authored a chapter on Middle Eastern Christians for the Oxford Handbook on Christianity in Asia. His publications earned him a Ma’al Hijrah (Islamic New Year) academic excellence award from USM in 2010.
Contact Information
Email: afauzi@usm.my
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