Fatemeh Aman is a non-resident senior fellow at the Middle East Institute. She has written on Iranian, Afghan, and broader Middle Eastern affairs for over 20 years. She has worked and published as a journalist, analyst, and previously as an Atlantic Council non-resident senior fellow. Her writings have appeared in numerous publications including Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, Jane’s Intelligence Review, and publications of Atlantic Council and the Middle East Institute. Fatemeh has advised the US government and nongovernmental organizations on Iranian regional policies. She has traveled extensively across South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa and has been a frequent commentator in various media outlets, including BBC, Voice of America (VOA), and Al Jazeera. She is the author of the Atlantic Council’s “Water Dispute Escalating between Iran and Afghanistan” and co-author of “Resolving Regional Sources of Instability” issue briefs. Fatemeh was a TV writer, producer, and anchor at VOA, and prior to that a correspondent with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty since 1999. She has a background in biomedical science and is fluent in Persian/Dari and German. She has translated scholarly works from German and English into Persian since 1996.
English, Persian/Dari, German
Regions of Expertise:
Iran, Middle East, South Asia
Issues of Expertise:
Iran-South Asia, Iran-Middle East, Diplomacy, Security & Defense, Civil Society, Human Rights
Selected publications:
- Resolving regional sources of instability - Atlantic Council
- Water Dispute Escalating between Iran and Afghanistan - Atlantic Council
- Iran's Headscarf Politics - Middle East Institute
- Iran’s Uneasy Relationship with its Sunni Minority - Middle East Institute
- Afghan migrants: Unwanted in Iran and at home - Atlantic Council
- The war for peace in Afghanistan - Atlantic Council
Contact Information
Please contact media@mei.edu or call 202-785-1141 ext. 241 for assistance contacting this expert.
Twitter Handle: @FatemehAman