Operations and Policy Center (OPC) is an independent think tank and service provider based in Gaziantep, Turkey. Established in 2014, OPC conducts original research and provides consulting services to enhance policymaking, development programs, and humanitarian response projects. Syrian-led and owned, OPC combines local knowledge with technological and scientific expertise, utilizing in-house statisticians and graphic designers to create original and intuitive final products. After separating from the Dubai-based Orient Research Center and becoming a for-profit company in 2018, OPC has focused on cultivating relationships with governmental and non-governmental bodies working in Syria or with the Syrian diaspora. Currently, OPC is in a stage of growth after significantly upscaling its capabilities due to increased demand from a growing clientele. The OPC is managed by Basel al-Junaidy, while Karam Shaar, who is a Non-Resident Scholar at MEI, is the Research Director.
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