Nathan Stock is a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute. Prior to joining MEI he spent nine years working for former President Carter’s organization, The Carter Center. He served in the Center’s Conflict Resolution Program, out of Atlanta, GA, before moving to Jerusalem to run the Center’s Israel-Palestine Field Office. Stock led Carter Center efforts to facilitate the reunification of the Palestinian political system and to assert Palestinian sovereignty via international fora. He designed and managed projects targeting the Fatah-Hamas conflict, and implemented programming to monitor and advance political solutions to the Syrian civil war. Prior to joining the Center, Stock worked in Afghanistan on a USAID-funded grant to strengthen local civil society organizations. During the Al-Aqsa Intifada, he lived in the Gaza Strip, working with a Palestinian NGO to design and fundraise for conflict resolution programs targeting the Palestinian community. Stock is currently based in South Carolina, where he consults and writes on Israeli-Palestinian affairs.
Bachelor's degree in international relations, Colgate University; Master's in international peace and conflict resolution, American University's School of International Service.
Countries of Expertise
Israel, Palestine
Issues of Expertise
U.S. policy vis-à-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Palestinian politics, the Fatah-Hamas conflict and Palestinian reconciliation